Bird that Sings

January 10, 2008

America’s black friend

Filed under: Politics,Uncategorized — admin @ 2:34 am


Some years ago a friend of mine moved from Philadelphia out to the Bay Area. A mutual friend of ours had died in tragic circumstances several months before at the age of 21 and my friend, who we will call KC, felt he had to get away from Philly. In the Seventies, before gentrification and the exploding, prohibitive cost of housing kicked in, the Bay Area was a destination for black artist types, something like Paris must have been in the Forties, Fifties and early Sixties.

KC, who is a poet, said he felt the difference between Philly and the Bay Area almost immediately. In Philly, if you weren’t ready to fight when you left the house in the morning, it was probably best not to leave the house. In California, KC said, everyone was nice, or at least they were back then. The only problem was that sometimes they were too nice. He mentioned some young white people he had met who wanted him to be their black friend. Sometimes, he said, they seemed to want an excuse to shake his hand or even. . . touch him, and as you can imagine, it was weirding him out a little.

I can’t help noticing that since the Iowa caucuses, White America seems to want Barack Obama to be their black friend. I made this observation to my wife as we were watching the Democratic debate from New Hampshire Saturday night. She agreed but asked, “what’s wrong with that?” And I had to admit, there’s nothing really wrong with it, but it is weirding me out a little.

The problem with Barack Obama’s candidacy is not necessarily Barack Obama. Watching the debate the other night it struck me both how far Obama’s come in the course of the campaign as well as how unique and talented a politician he is. Apart from any policy or ideological considerations, Obama clearly appeared to be the most Presidential of the four candidates on the podium. Even besides the stentorian voice, it’s an unquantifiable thing Obama’s got. I think it was Norman Mailer in his famous “Superman goes to the Supermarket” piece about JFK who brought back the old Max Weber term “charisma” to describe Kennedy, and it certainly fits Obama as well.

You can see why people got so excited about Obama after his keynote speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004 and how that excitement has sort of fed on itself ever since.

I get it, but I just can’t get with it. God knows I’d prefer not to be a player hater, but it appears fate has fingered me for that role.

Which is to say that from where I sit, no matter how talented Obama is—and how smart David Axelrod and Obama’s handlers are—Obama is almost by definition a media candidate. The genius of Obama’s candidacy is supposed to be that Obama is not just talking about change, but symbolizing it. Obama is actually supposed to be the change everybody else is talking about. But to me, this is not really politics; this is a PR campaign.

Since Obama announced, the pundits have been talking about the “Rock star” quotient Obama brings to the table, but Obama is not the politician as a Rock star, Obama is the Pop star as a politician. Obama is not here to entertain or edify us; he’s here to be consumed, like the wine and the wafer. “Change” is Obama’s “brand.” It really doesn’t matter what kind of change he’s talking about.

When viewed in this context, Barack Obama, no matter what his actual politics are, can be seen to be the very antithesis of a “change candidate.” Obama is the ultimate cog in the corporate system’s machine, like a widget or an I-phone; a stylish accouterment of consumption.

Since Obama is not actually running as a politician but as a Pop Star, it might be instructive to compare him to the other current favorite, deep pop star, on college campuses and post collegiate scenes around the country. That would be the late reggae superstar, Bob Marley.

Recently, a college student stunned me with the remark that Bob Marley could be elected President of the United States on the strength of the youth vote if he was running today. After recovering myself, I replied that one, Marley was born in Jamaica, disqualifying him from ever being President of the US, and that two, he is dead, further disqualifying him.

I also offered my opinion that the reason Marley is so popular among youth is precisely because he is dead, because kids can make an icon of Marley, independent of who he actually he was and what he represented. Nevertheless the conversation got me thinking.

As it happens I think the thing I liked best about Marley when he was alive was his ability to symbolize the change he was singing about. Yes, the very thing that Obama is attempting. The differences are that one, Marley wasn’t running for President, and two he was attempting to negotiate the inherent conflict between being a pop star and an agent of change, not pretending it didn’t exist. And finally, there was the content of Marley’s songs themselves. Here’s the first verse of “Babylon System.”

“We refuse to be what you wanted us to be
We are what we are
That’s the way it’s going to be.
You can’t educate us, for no equal opportunity
Talkin’ bout my freedom, talkin’ bout my freedom,
People, freedom and liberty . .”

If there was ever a more stark expression of both the black cultural nationalist and the anti-colonial mindset, I haven’t heard it. Even in death, Bob Marley cannot be consumed whole by the Babylon System he both reviled and was attracted to.

Barack Obama on the other hand, has more in common with Michael Jordan than Martin Luther King and from my point of view that’s a real shame. Obama is as naturally gifted a politician as we’ve seen in this country in a long time, and while his instincts may be suspect, I suspect his intelligence is not.

Hillary Clinton’s not right about much, but she is right about the problem with Obama; he is too inexperienced to be President. You could make the case that John Kennedy was about Obama’s age when he ran for President, but Kennedy had already been in the Senate for eight years and the House for six years when he was elected. He had also clearly been planning a run for the Presidency since at least the mid Fifties, and at the ’56 Democratic Convention, had launched an unsuccessful campaign to get himself on the ticket as Adlai Stevenson’s Vice Presidential running mate.

Obama by contrast, was not planning on running until he was more or less shanghaied into it by popular demand a year and half ago. It’s almost absurd that Obama’s running and that’s why he has to run this kind of pop campaign, reminiscent of the title character in VS Naipaul’s first novel, “The Mystic Masseur.” Obama simply doesn’t have another choice.

At this point the best argument for Obama is one he’s not making, that he’s all that stands between Hillary Clinton and the nomination. I still wouldn’t waste my vote on Obama in a primary (though I would of course vote for him in a general) but it’s a pretty good argument.

For one night in New Hampshire though, the argument was different, and not in a way anyone would have predicted. Like the women of New Hampshire I found myself rooting for Hillary, but not for the same reason. I was hoping Hillary would stop Obama; women in New Hampshire, incredibly enough, voted for Hillary because they felt sorry for her. For one night, Sisterhood was indeed powerful. I’m not a Hillary hater so much as I am a Clinton hater, but you can’t help thinking that’s a beautiful thing—as long as it stays in New Hampshire.

The truth about Hillary, as Obama said, is she’s not so bad. Hillary is obviously very smart and capable. It’s the company she keeps that’s the problem. If Hillary were not running explicitly (though my guess is the Clintonites have learned their tactical lesson in this regard) as an agent of the Clinton restoration, she might be able to see what’s happened in this country over the past twenty five years with fresh eyes. She might be able to take an honest look at the role of the Clinton administration in bringing to us to this desperate pass, instead blaming it all on Bush. She might be able to see things as her supposed hero Eleanor Roosevelt would have.

For now though, John Edwards is right, and Hillary is wrong. Hillary claims she is doer, not a talker, but what we see from the Clintons is that they talk like populists and do like corporate democrats. As Edwards says, no matter what the corporate Democrats say to get elected, once in power there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them and the corporate Republicans.

All the pundits of course tell us that Edwards is finished, and frankly on Tuesday morning, I kind of thought so myself. I thought Obama was going to take New Hampshire and sweep to the nomination. Ironically, now Obama needs Edwards in the race to keep all the hard core, white working class Democrats from going to Clinton. And Edwards probably should stay in the race, to deny Hillary the nomination if nothing else, even while hoping for lightning to strike with his own candidacy.

Whatever the case, it’s hard to say what will happen the rest of this political season. Already there is a witchy feeling to this year that reminds me somehow of 1968, and not necessarily in a good way.

All the candidates of both parties seem to be presupposing that the status quo; economic, social, political, even environmental will maintain from now through the election. I’m not sure of much, but I’m pretty sure that the status quo is not going to make it ‘til spring, let alone fall, and that the politics of the moment are going to radically shift because of it.

There is the sense that we are at the end of something, and perhaps about to experience the violent pangs attendant at the birth of something new. One thing we know about this year already; lightning will strike. Anything could happen.

January 3, 2008


Filed under: Politics,Uncategorized — admin @ 1:05 pm

Hillary Clinton: Center-leftist?

In its recent Election ’08 issue, The Nation magazine offers this assessment, “Hillary Clinton has proven herself a dedicated centrist and when the center moves left, she has shown she can move too.”

The Nation is certainly not wrong about Hillary, but their evaluation brought to mind an encounter of my own from thirty-five years before.

I was sitting at a McDonald’s—eating a fish fillet—when a friend and fellow activist proposed “a game.” He wanted to create an absolute political scale from left to right and place various national and local political figures ideologically along its’ grid. The point of the game, according to my friend Roger, was to determine who was the most liberal politician, with the unspoken implication being, that the most liberal politician was “the best” politician. For those of you who didn’t live it, this was a real early 70’s state of mind.

I was about seventeen at the time but even then there was something about this exercise that struck me as wrongheaded. I may have even told my friend Roger, the erstwhile President of the University of Pennsylvania Graduate Students Association, that I thought he was barking up the wrong tree.

I might have told him that there was no absolute political scale of Right to Left, and that “who was the most liberal” was the wrong question to ask. The better question, then as now, would have been “Which side are you on?”

It’s been a long time since this question has been relevant to any American election cycle, but remarkably, with so many candidates claiming the mantle of change, it has become so in this one. However, to understand who is the real candidate of change, it’s necessary to understand just what needs changing.

Ronald Reagan was elected President in 1980, as a new kind of Conservative, one who turned liberal politics on its head by proclaiming himself the heir of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. In Reagan’s world it was the Democrats who had betrayed FDR’s legacy, turning the latter’s party into a haven for appeasers, druggies and perhaps most damningly, elitists, out of touch with the lives and concerns of every day Americans.

The attack on the supposedly liberal elites, echoing older Republican attacks on the so-called “pointy headed liberals,” was the opening salvo of a broader attack in what came to be known as the culture wars.

In the Reagan years we got the War on Drugs and the rising influence of evangelical Christianity on American politics. We got Lynne Cheney, in her role as head of the National Endowment for the Humanities, attacking new history textbooks of the period for supposedly over emphasizing slavery and genocide against Native Americans, while not sufficiently emphasizing “what was good about America.” We got the War against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua and the arming of death squads all through Central America as a bulwark against communist subversion in our hemisphere.

However perhaps more important than the cultural and political Reaction of the Reagan years was the rediscovery and aggressive application of the free market economic theories of University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman.

It was Friedman’s contention that if the government would just take the shackles (excessive regulation, trade protectionism, worker and union rights etc) off industry and business, then the gusher of ensuing economic growth would lift all of society’s boats together.

Under Reagan, Friedman’s principles were applied not just domestically, leading to the loosening or abandonment of regulation in most sectors of the economy, but internationally.
US development agencies together with the US controlled International Monetary Fund and World Bank began to link promises of aid with demands for the nation-states of the developing world to convert to Free Market principles. This forced economic conversion of the developing world, eerily paralleling the rise of Islam a millennium before, was called “structural adjustment.”

The application of Friedmanomics also coincided with the long-term decline of American manufacturing. With the rationalization of the world economy, it no longer made economic sense for manufacturing to be done in the high wage, developed world when it could be done more cheaply elsewhere.

The new economy of the developed world was instead supposed to be based on brains rather than brawn. The West and America in particular were now to be powered by the new technology revolution and by the rise of Wall Street and the Financial Markets, by the business of Money itself.

The totality and seamlessness of the Reagan Revolution led some exultant neo-right wingers to proclaim, and not for the last time, the beginning of a thousand year Republican Reich. However it was not to be.

It turned out that there was a key political contradiction between the Reaganite emphasis on values and its rationalizing economic engine. The decline of manufacturing was felt disproportionately by the “Reagan Democrats,” mostly blue collar and working class whites who had cheered on Reagan’s appropriation of the cultural mantle of FDR. These Democrats, the ones who had responded to Reagan’s evocation of the optimism of post World War II America, of the shining “city on the hill,” now saw their jobs being shipped overseas. They saw themselves being phased out, marginalized by the rise of the new technological and financial elites.

By 1988 the table had clearly been set for a Democrat to address the rising political- economic dislocation and inequality of Reagan’s America. Almost any Democrat could have won that election, but especially a Democrat with working class roots, who addressed the epic political-economic hypocrisy and dishonesty of the Reagan regime.

Instead we got Michael Dukakis who stressed “leadership and management.”

When a Democrat finally was elected in 1992, in response to the economic failures of the first Bush administration, there was hope that there might finally be a pushback, politically, economically and culturally, against the excesses of what still was (and truthfully, still is) the Reagan era.

Instead we got William Jefferson Clinton, a sort of Rabellaisian figure, Michael Dukakis on steroids.

Chief among the failures of the Clinton years, beyond his seeming inability to keep his thing in his pants, was the failure to address the legacy of Reagan and Reaganism. Rather, in the economic sphere, Clinton, through his extraordinarily able Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, furthered the Reagonian rationalization of the economy. The success of the Clinton era economy is often looked back on now as his great achievement but its long-term consequences for the country and the world have proved disastrous.

The difference between Clinton, Reagan and for that matter, the Bushes, was that under Clinton, we were actually told us that yes, we were going to lose our manufacturing jobs, but it was going to be alright. In the future, they told us, we would all be going to college to get better jobs in the new economy, and jobs that paid more to boot.

A full economic cycle later we can see that this was not the case. The jobs that replaced the lost manufacturing work were largely service jobs, shit jobs, non-union jobs. We see that the only way many Americans are able to keep their heads above water is by going so deeply into debt they never expect to get out of it. And we begin to sense that Ross Perot was right and Robert Rubin was wrong, that a great power cannot survive the loss of it’s manufacturing base.

Meanwhile the financial, business and tech sectors of the economy continue to boom, creating not only a two-tier economy, but a level of class stratification previously unknown in modern America.

The failure of the Clintonites to address the rise of debt as the engine of American prosperity set the template for the speculative frenzy that has ultimately led the country and the world to the brink of a catastrophic financial collapse. Further, their inclination to allow Wall Street financial empires to dictate government economic policy has created a de-facto permanent government; an interface of the large Investment houses and the State complete with a well known cast of characters—like Robert Rubin and Henry Paulson—continually passing through the revolving door from one branch of the permanent government to the other.

The final failure of the Clintonites to roll back the Reagan legacy is perhaps the most damning. It was the acceptance of the commodification of every day life; what the kids see when they watch “The Matrix.” It’s what happened to us in the 70’s and 80’s when the market realized it could sell anything to anyone; that the only bad drugs were the ones that made us not want to shop. It was and remains the real deal death of values that the Christian value voters never seem to address: the concept that nothing has an inherent value of its own, only what it can fetch on the market. It’s the primacy of style over content where all the best stuff has a continual if impermanent sheen.

It is within this world without memory that the current election cycle takes place. In this world we are told that all the problems of America are the fault of the second George Bush, the stupid one, who actually believed that Jesus was going to bail out his sorry ass.

This is certainly the dominant narrative of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Get rid of Bush, we get rid of the plague that is sickening America and we can all go back to business as usual. And Bush has been the worst President that I can remember, probably the worst of the modern era. But Bush didn’t create the current structural problems of the country.

Getting rid of Bush will be a good and great thing, but it doesn’t make the case for Hillary Clinton as President. The problem with Hillary is that she doesn’t really fit the political moment. Hillary’s politics are essentially an enlightened business-as-usual and it’s not clear the world can survive too much more of that. It also appears as though Hillary feels she is the carrier of her husband’s legacy and as we have seen, that legacy is part of the problem.

The final element of “the problem with Hillary” is that, as many others have said, she might not be electable, even against a Republican field that ranges from laughable to delusional. Can a Batman villain like Rudy Giuliani actually get elected? Can a John McCain, who thinks we are winning the war in Iraq—a war that wouldn’t exist if we weren’t in it—actually get a day pass out of the asylum where he must spend the nights? It’s hard to say, but certainly any Republican’s chances—or for that matter Michael Bloomberg’s chances—are greatly enhanced by a projected match up against Hillary.

As contrasted to Hillary, Barack Obama does fit the political moment but not in a good way. The problem with Obama’s politics is that they are, like the culture, cosmetic. Rather than run as an actual change candidate, Obama has chosen to run as a symbolic change candidate, a charismatic young bi-racial man as a symbol of change. However it’s hard to say what change Obama actually represents beyond his assurances of it.

And then there’s John Edwards. Edwards is not a perfect candidate, but Edwards is running a transformational political campaign, and in doing so, is addressing the real issues and challenges we face as a people and a species. Edwards is attacking the collusion of the investment banks, the insurance companies and your government. He’s calling those trade deals rammed through by the last Democratic President what they are, a sell out of the American working class to international Capital. Edwards is naming the system, the first viable Democrat in a Presidential campaign to do so in a long, long time.

If this election is really to be about change, the question for Hillary, Obama and Edwards becomes, who’s willing to take a stand against the system? Who’s willing to take a risk on behalf of people who’ve been locked out or left behind; people without influence, people who might not even show up to vote? If this election is really to be about change, the question for Hillary, Obama and Edwards is “Which side are you on?” By that measure, I think the candidate of change is fairly obvious.

December 31, 2007

Weighing the Field

Filed under: Politics — admin @ 9:51 pm


Dennis Kucinich is a lightweight—at most, maybe not even a featherweight. This does not necessarily reflect his worth as a human being. The best fighter of all time, Sugar Ray Robinson started out as a lightweight and arguably the second best fighter of all time, Benny Leonard, was undefeated as a lightweight before moving up in weight class after a seven year lay off.

But Dennis ain’t them. After watching Kucinich in the Howard University Democratic debate last month, my teenage son and I both concurred that if Kucinich would take some steroids, hit the weights and build himself up to at least a welterweight, he might have a chance.

“You’d fear Kucinich then,”my son said. “He’d be a beast.”

This is not superfluous. Fear is a tool Kucinich would need to run the Huey Long type, dignity of the common man campaign he clearly envisions. Rather than talking, absurdly, about “texting Peace,” Kucinich would need to talk about empowering unions and rebuilding a mixed economy that doesn’t only work for big corporations. He would need to make himself a lightening rod for attacks from the corporate and right wing media, to become a credible attack dog for the working class and draw the class lines in America so indelibly that the rich and the powerful would hate him, and yes, fear him. For the present, the rich and powerful don’t fear Dennis so much as sneer at him.

Ironically the one female candidate and current front runner in the Democratic field, Hillary Clinton, does not have this problem. We fear Hillary.

The great fight trainer, Angelo Dundee, famously said that “anyone over two hundred pounds can hurt you, even a dame,” but of course it’s not Hillary’s size that scares us, though that eight hundred pound gorilla on her back does have to be reckoned with. What scares us about Hillary is that cold blooded look in her eye. As the Scottish singer/songwriter Angus McKie once bitterly said of his girlfriend, “butter wouldn’t melt on her lips.”

Programmatically speaking, it also must be said that it seems a little late in the ontological game for Hillary’s mix of liberal bromides sprinkled over a main course of elite flavored Rubinomics.

It’s a good sound bite when Hillary describes new climate change technologies that not only address climate change, but also create new jobs as “a potential win-win for America.” But with Hillary, there’s always the uncomfortable feeling that her policy proposals are all good sound bites and not much else. We’ll never hear Hillary say, for example, that fighting climate change—and impending ecological disaster—will require major sacrifice from all of us, not to mention a radical shake-up of corporate America.

For Hillary, sacrifice and social transformation are definitely off the table.
What we will get from her is more of the reasonable, Republican lite, neo-liberal formula her husband lucked onto in the 1990’s.

For Hillary, Bill’s always going to be a burden. However Hillary’s biggest problem is that even if she were right on the issues—and she’s not—she’s also not electable. People might fear and even admire Hillary, but fairly or unfairly, they don’t like her. And given a choice, they’re not going to vote for her.

That leaves the rest of the field.
Forget Dodd, a reliable liberal, but “a suit.” He comes across as generic. Biden can be ludicrous while at the same time taking himself too seriously, a fatal combination. Gravel has style—my son especially likes those khaki pants he wore to the Howard debate—but he’s a big old wild swinger, like George Foreman in his last comeback. His stance on the war is winning, he needs to work on his universal sales tax proposal so he doesn’t sound like an idiot.

Bill Richardson is all right but there is the sense that he’s got a little bit of Mitt in him. That is: Richardson might say anything, and in fairness, that’s also as opposed to Mitt Romney, who will absolutely say anything that any audience wants to hear. Like some Mormon Zelig, Mitt’s got a mania. The scary part is I think the Republicans are going to nominate him. As for Richardson, he’s got the resume and—at Howard at least—a helluva tan. Like everyone else, I figure him for the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee. Whether Richardson wants the job or not, it’s the best deal he’s going to get right now.

That leaves Obama, Edwards¬¬—and the other eight hundred pound gorilla in the room, Al Gore. I don’t think Al is going to run unless it looks like Hillary’s going to sweep the field in the early primaries. Nonetheless, we can be sure he’s paying close attention.

Obama’s got a problem. He could use the old Barry Goldwater line “in your heart, you know he’s right,” because that’s what he seems to be counting on. Obama can’t, or won’t, tell us what he really thinks about anything, perhaps because if it turns out that he’s actually a dangerous Alinskyite black radical—and frankly what could be better—he’s going to have a hard time winning the nomination. But if, on the other hand, Obama is as ideologically bland as he pretends to be, that’s even worse.

Obama keeps talking about “getting beyond partisanship,” this despite the fact that for the past twenty five years the Republic has been hijacked by a permanent floating right wing coup. If after the past six and half years of creeping fascism, Democrats are not yet willing to fight back, the question is, will they ever?  But we can see already with Obama: there will be no big, dangerous ideas, no fiery rhetoric, nothing straight from the heart, we’re just going to have to trust we know what’s there. It’s business as usual except for the nice wrinkle that Barack is not only black, but “so fresh and so clean.”

It all might work for Obama if he was a Republican, but for a Democrat, it’s a flawed campaign premise. Enigmatic gets old after the first year and a half or so if you’re supposed to be an agent of change.

That leaves Edwards. As opposed to the happy (class) warrior of the last election, John Edwards this time has recast himself as the voice of the voiceless. Poverty, rather than class, is his issue now in an apparent bid for the political authenticity that comes from speaking as an advocate for an unpopular cause.

Personally, I think Edwards is trying too hard. Edwards’ universal health care proposal and his stand on the War were decent first steps. Now he has to go beyond that to challenge some of the corporate redlines that define the boundaries of safe discourse in American political campaigns. One two-part idea he might try would be, first, for the Federal Government to assume the health care and legacy retirement costs of US auto workers. This would help the Big 3 auto companies get back on their feet and stabilize job loss in the upper Mid West. In other words, your basic corporate bailout.

However at the same time the government could also underwrite the creation of a new Public Automobile company based in the Detroit—utilizing closed and abandoned GM and Ford plants—and dedicated to building stripped down, low cost, hybrid vehicles at eight to ten thousand dollars a pop. Sort of like a green version of the original Model-T. Thus while the government was bailing out Detroit, it would also be competing with it—not to mention kicking the collective crap out of Honda and Toyota.

Taken together these two proposals would not only address the collapse of manufacturing in the country, but also climate change and the taboo against public ownership of industry. It would also point the way for Detroit to once again achieve profitability.

The problem with Edwards’s anti-poverty campaign is that it stinks of liberal altruism, which—thankfully—is not coming back into fashion any time soon. When Robert Kennedy made his famous trips to Appalachia and Mississippi forty years ago, Kennedy’s profile in the culture was so much higher than Edwards it gave RFK’s pilgrimage a kind of spiritual patina. Exposing poverty wasn’t about politics for Robert Kennedy, it was about healing the soul of America, and we as Americans felt that.

For John Edwards’ part, he should let Class and the class self-interest of working and poor people be his guide. It’ll work a lot better than his conscience.

The best thing about John Edwards is that one senses he really wants to be a transformational candidate. The worst thing is that being a lawyer and a politician, Edwards is not going to go out on a limb and actually say how he would transform America unless he absolutely has to. If Edwards wants to be President, starting say, by Labor Day, he absolutely has to.

Anyway that’s the view of the Democratic field from here. No sure things, and really, only two serious contenders to take on Hillary. Edwards is in decent shape, but is still a little light in the butt. He needs to put on about ten pounds of muscle to be a real heavyweight. Al Gore needs to take a good look at himself, without his shirt on, in the mirror.

One Way Out—a case for nation building in the Middle East

Filed under: Politics — admin @ 9:46 pm


In the run-up to Gulf War II there was a lot of talk about nation building, especially among the neo-liberal punditry. While the Official Neo-Conservative Party Line called for an invasion of Iraq to “drain the swamp in which terror breeds,” neo-liberals proposed a seemingly more selfless approach.

The likes of Tom Friedman, George Packer, Paul Berman, Kenneth Pollack and even mad Christopher Hitchens maintained that to win the War against Terror, the US needed to live up to its own democratic ideals. An American invasion of Iraq that toppled the regime of the tyrant Saddam, they said, would send a message of liberty ringing throughout the Middle East, while simultaneously cutting the anti western ideological ground out from under the Jihadists. Though neo-conservatives also came to adopt this position—indeed as Paul Wolfowitz made clear at the time—any rationale was as good as any other when it came to invading Iraq—there was a sort of earnestness about the neo-liberals as opposed to the mephisto tinged, machiavellianism of the neo-cons.

What the constant neo-liberal references to “nation building in Iraq” always seemed to miss though, was that Iraq already was a nation. It stood to reason that to build a new nation in Iraq, you were going to have to destroy the old one first. As any fool could have told you at the time—and we tried—this was an extraordinarily bad idea.

In point of fact, there is only one country in the entire Middle East—outside the special case of Kurdistan—that was and remains a suitable case for nation building. That country is Palestine.

The case for nation building in Palestine is pretty cut and dried.
One, the Palestinians do not currently have a state of their own. Two, the Palestinians, in the West Bank at least, live in a geographically confined, more or less contiguous territory, which is currently under occupation. Three, for most Arabs—Sunni and Shia, the Palestinian cause has been emblematic of the Arab Cause as a whole through the post WWII era. Indeed the Palestinian cause has become the Islamic cause celebre in non-Arab countries from Iran to Pakistan to Indonesia.

It stands to reason that if one were trying to repair relations with the Arab and Islamic world, not to mention the former colonial world as a whole, a good place to start would be the creation of an independent Palestine.

There’s one thing standing in the way of the creation of a Palestinian State and that’s Israel. This is where the good offices of the US—or what’s left of them—come into play. For the past thirty-five years, it has been Israeli perception at least, that the US alone has had Israel’s back in a world arrayed against her. For this reason the US, and the US alone, is specially situated to assure the Israelis that their interests are also served, and will be protected, by this new US initiative.

However, beyond altruism, there is an even better, though related, reason that the US should go back into the nation building business in the Middle East.

When the Iraq Study Group of James Baker and Lee Hamilton attempted to imply there was a linkage between Palestine and Iraq, they were shouted down by the panicked neo-cons, but the time has to face the geo-political facts.

The best way for the US to get of Iraq is through the creation of a Palestinian State.

To achieve these dual ends, diplomacy, by all means, will be required. A peace conference for Iraq and the Middle East would be a good first step, with most of the countries of the region in attendance, as well as representatives of the various Iraqi communities and political/ethnic groupings. At this conference the US could submit the following proposal.

The US military will withdraw from central and southern Iraq, while twenty five thousand US troops are sent north to Kurdistan as both protection for the Kurds and to serve as an emergency strike force should the rest of Iraq devolve into complete anarchy. Eighty thousand American troops would then come back home. The remaining fifty thousand American troops—augmented by another twenty thousand soldiers representing allied forces—perhaps English, French, Turkish—or even Algerian, contingents, would be redeployed to the formerly occupied territories on the West Bank of the Jordan, and the newly declared State of Palestine.

One can envision a veritable Euphrates of positive outcomes flowing from this process. The Palestinians finally get a state of their own—along with an interim contingent of foreign forces that can effectively referee between Hamas and the PLO. Israel gets it’s ostensible dream scenario, a friendly foreign force embedded in the West Bank—and ultimately Gaza, that can both help stabilize Palestine and shield Israel from terrorist attacks.

The US meanwhile gets to disengage from Iraq, and perhaps even more promisingly, would then be in position to ask that both the Sunni and Shia Arabs of Iraq forbear from Civil War in their new role as Arab guarantors of the new nation of Palestine.

Of course some would claim this a best case scenario and they’d probably be right. There may be some difficulties, to put it diplomatically, in getting the various parties to agree to such a scheme, even if the proposals advanced here are objectively in their own best interests. It is therefore useful to take an empirical look at some of the many possible problems along the road from Baghdad to Jerusalem with an eye toward solving them.

The first problem could be getting the Israelis to withdraw and disengage from the West Bank, along with the concomitant question, what will be the borders of the new Palestinian State?

The proposed borders of a divided Israel/Palestine have generally been agreed upon for some time, though there have been crucial differences on the specifics. Suffice it to say that the Israelis will have to withdraw their military from the West Bank and take as many settlers with them as they can induce to leave. As for the probable seventy five to a hundred thousand mostly Religious settlers who will not be induced to leave for any amount of money, they can become citizens of a Palestinian State just as the million Palestinians in Israel proper are citizens of Israel. Meanwhile, the Israelis and the Palestinians—in consultation with the US, key Arab and Allied powers, all sitting together at the bargaining table—will have to work out the status of Jerusalem and other outstanding issues.

Israeli politics, of course, are not particularly rational and compounding the problem is the role that American neo-cons, notably Doug Feith, Frank Gaffney, Richard Perle and the ubiquitous Mr Wolfowitz have played in aiding the rejectionist camp in the Likud and the Israeli Right generally. Partly as a result of the American encouragement, the number of settlers in the territories has more than doubled in the years since the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. There are now four hundred and fifty thousand settlers in what they call “Judea and Samaria” and it is going to be difficult to entirely dislodge them for a number of reasons.

When the first Israeli settlements began appearing in the early and mid seventies, some were called “defensive” and others, “religious.” At the time there were about three million people in Israel proper, including Arabs. In the thirty odd years since the establishment of the first settlements, the population of Israel has grown to about six million people including the settlers. Aside from the political problems entailed in the resettlement of so many settlers in Israel proper, they may also present a demographic problem as well.

However to accept a permanent Israeli settler presence in the West Bank, is to indulge the same kind of circular logic that continues to fuel the US occupation in Iraq. It is the sort of logic that suggests Israel can’t pull out of the West Bank, because of the danger of Palestinian terror and also because the network of settler towns, roads and services in the territories has grown so extensive that the Israelis would be loathe to abandon it. It is the kind of logic that conveniently ignores the constant encouragement of the American neo-cons, in concert with their allies in AIPAC, that has politically insulated the Israeli colonization movement from outside criticism and sanction.

The protection of the neo-cons has also empowered voices on the extreme, irredentist Israeli Right, who call for the outright expulsion of the Arabs from all of Palestine, since in their words, the Jews only have one little state in the Middle East while the Arabs have many. Meanwhile the three million Palestinians in the West Bank live in a tightening noose of—terror breeding— poverty and desperation, while the situation in Gaza is, if anything, worse.

Taken together the politics of Palestine and the Israeli territories might seem to present an insolvable, Gordian knot of problem, but the “One way out” proposal offers a unique diplomatic tool: the sword of direct American intervention to cut right through it. As opposed to the unasked for American intervention in Iraq, American and friendly foreign intervention to create a Palestinian state is the best deal these people are ever going to get.

Beyond this, if the Palestinians are still resistant to having a state carved out for them, there’s nothing much anyone can do. However, if the Israelis are still recalcitrant, a US State Department, newly purged of discredited neo-con influence, may finally be in position to use a carrot and stick approach with Israel—especially if Israeli neo-con soul brother #1, Binyamin Netanyahu, is elected Prime Minister in the next elections.

There are many other potential difficulties for a Palestinian nation building strategy, but finally, the most conspicuous problem the “One Way Out (of Iraq)” program faces is domestic. That is, despite the obvious elegance and symmetry of the strategy, one cannot imagine the Bush Administration buying into it.

This is a big problem, but as always in politics, it’s also an opportunity. The time for a Bush administration led foreign policy is coming to an end and will expire long before Bush’s term of office is over. In the time we are now entering– all things, even impeachment, could suddenly become possible. And as Republican congressmen and senators jump overboard, swimming as fast as they can away from the unstable wreck of the Bush ship of state, they, along with their sometimes equally feckless Democratic colleagues, will need help and direction. It behooves us all to give it to them—with a carrot, or a stick.

December 4, 2007

Dear John: a message for Edwards

Filed under: Politics,Uncategorized — admin @ 6:51 pm

Dear John,

I’ve been waiting over the past months for your campaign to take off and I can’t help noticing it’s not.
This is upsetting to those of us who fear a Clinton vs. Obama race for the Democratic nomination. Personally I don’t think this country can take another day of a Clinton presidency, let alone four more years. I’ve held my nose and voted for every Democratic Presidential candidate since I was 18 and a Democratic Ward committeeman in my hometown of Philadelphia, but I cannot vote for Hillary Clinton, even in a general election. I know the stakes are high in this election but Hillary’s candidacy just smells too damn bad.

Meanwhile Obama reminds one of Bill Clinton, with his claims of being beyond partisanship and his winks and nods to the base of the party, implying that once in office he’ll do the right thing. Bill Clinton also campaigned on every side of every issue but got elected anyway because he was obviously the smartest and most capable guy in the field.

In my view at least, Clinton was also a terrible President, picking all the wrong battles, and losing the ones he picked; a man with a big stomach for politics but no heart for the good fight. Clinton talked like a populist but chose not to address the rise of greed as the engine of American prosperity; rather he subtly encouraged it.

Obama handlers are right to cast him as the charismatic conciliator because frankly, that’s the only way a black man’s going to get elected President this side of the Jordan. But in the miraculous event that Obama actually got elected, the malefactors of great wealth and their smooth operators would do such a number on him, Obama would end up making Bill Clinton look like Eugene Debs by comparison.

We live in a time of incipient financial collapse, class stratification unseen since before the rise of the modern labor movement and impending ecological catastrophe. We need change, and a candidate of change. By all rights, you should be that candidate.

Personally, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your message. I think that many Democrats, especially those that vote in primaries, like your message. There is the sense though of a certain dissonance between the message and the messenger, plus the feeling that you’re just trying too hard to connect.

I don’t think you’re going to be able to ignore this disconnect and still win in Iowa, but like Bob Marley once sang, “when one door is closed, another is open.”

In one of the Democratic debates, a questioner asked if you believed in a personal God that intervenes in human affairs, or something to that effect. You answered that no, with all that’s happened to you and your loved ones in this life, you just couldn’t believe in that.

I think the nature of your belief is the key for you in this campaign. If one doesn’t believe in a personal God who intervenes in human affairs, what does a person have to believe in? The answer quite simply, is hope itself. Hope is the face of God in this world.

You know this of course. You campaigned on it in 2004. In fact let me quote from the end of your Vice Presidential acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention of that year.

You said, “Like all of us, I have learned a lot of lessons in my life. Two of the most important are that first, there will always be heartache and struggle–you can’t make it go away. But the other lesson is that people of good and strong will can make a difference . . .
. . . We choose hope over despair, possibilities over problems, optimism over cynicism. We choose to do what’s right even when those around us say “You can’t do that.” We choose to be inspired because we know that we can do better–because this is America where everything is still possible.”

Every great populist campaign has had as its’ underpinning the implicit religious belief that in serving justice and the cause of the common people, we are doing the work of God in this world.

If I were you, I would take those two paragraphs from late in your 2004 nomination speech and make both a thirty second spot and a sixty second spot out of them. The thirty-second spot would essentially just record that moment in time.

The Sixty-second spot would begin with you on the podium at the convention in front of the cheering delegates. In a voice over, behind the visuals, we would hear a short–compatible– snippet of your current message, that “our society is being undermined by the growing gulf between the elites and the rest of us. Goldman-Sachs and the permanent government have Henry Paulsons and Robert Rubins to fight for them but who will fight for “everyday people” against a corrupt system rigged on behalf of the rich and the powerful?

Then we would see and hear that same excerpt from the speech in 2004. (Forgive me if I got a little specific here, but I’ve been making documentaries for the past twenty or so years and got carried away)

Beyond the two spots, I would–if I were you– sit down and write another stump speech. It would encompass the transcendental themes of the 2004 excerpt, the more pointed themes of today and make the connection between the two.

The speech would say something like, that when confronted with the almost impossible odds against social justice and social equity, hope is God’s way of getting us up each day to fight for a world worth living in. This fight is not just for the sake of the poor and the oppressed, but for the sake of humanity itself.

The stakes have never been higher. More than ever, here on spaceship earth, we’re all in this together. . . Something like that.

It is a bit late in the primary day, Senator Edwards, but like some prophet or other must have said once, where there’s life, there’s hope.

I would seriously consider using that before David Axelrod steals it for Obama.

As they say down in New Orleans, bon chance, bon courage. Hope is on the way.


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